Minnesota Education Fairs (MEF) Committee

The success of the Minnesota Education Fairs (MEF) is due in large measure, to cooperation among different systems of higher education and a shared vision for efficient and effective provision of post-secondary information to high school students throughout the state of Minnesota. The continued success of the MEF is reliant on maintaining that cooperation and preserving the established network through the MEF planning committee.

Chair Members

Emma Scott - University of Minnesota

Erik Ashenbeck - College of St. Bens / Saint John's University

Molly Bonnett - Forest Lake Area High School


Committee Members

Libby Fahrenkamp - Board Liaison - Minnesota Office of Education

Debra Musser - Wayzata High School

Michelle Kuhl - Hopkins High School

Jonathan Rosario - University of St. Thomas

Sophie Taylor - Hamline University

MACAC Executive Assistant

The Coordinator's purpose is to assist the MEF Committee in promoting, operating and coordinating the MACAC MEFs. Principal responsibilities:

  • Print, distribute and collect MEF contracts and payments
  • Coordinate with site chairs regarding facilities, regional promotion and follow-up
  • Produce promotional materials and/or guidelines for use at all sites (posters, bags, signs, media alerts, etc.)
  • Field questions from site chairs, postsecondary institutions, parents, students and high schools
  • Streamline site operations
  • Follow-up to evaluate individual sites and MEF program a whole
Liz Hayes
MACAC Executive Assistant

The MEF Committee Chair shall convene the planning committee as needed in order to:

  • Set the master MEF schedule

  • Evaluate program practices and establish policies that will be brought before the MACAC board for approval

  • Monitor the coordination and management of the MEF

  • Support the Coordinator who is responsible for the daily management of the MEF

  • Assist in the training/update of site chairs
  • The committee shall be composed of regional representatives from each of the systems of higher education and the secondary system: State University System, University of Minnesota, Private Colleges, Technical Colleges, Community Colleges and Minnesota School Districts
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